Troubleshooting proxy issues with Connector in Firefox

I am having issues downloading PDFs from IEEE Xplore using the Connector in Firefox. I am able to download the PDFs over a normal internet connection. When I am on my network with a proxy for all internet traffic that is set at the system level, PDFs do not automatically download. I've confirmed the problem with this open access paper: by being on a cellular hotspot and being connected through my system-wide proxy network. Everything works as expected on the hotspot. The only change I make between the two cases are proxy settings at the system level and a restart of the browser.

Looking at the logs does not give me enough information to troubleshoot further. What settings should I adjust in order to get more info on what is getting blocked by my proxy or what is timing out?

  • edited April 17, 2019
    An OA PDF should download regardless of any proxy settings, as long as you have a network connection in Zotero. Can you provide a Debug ID from Zotero (not the Zotero Connector) for a save from that page where the PDF fails to download?

    If networking isn't working in Zotero at all, attachments wouldn't save, but you also wouldn't be able to sync, submit debug reports, check for updates, use Add Item by Identifier, etc., and Zotero should display a warning at startup in that case. See Connection Error if that applies.
  • For clarification, behind the proxy I am able to still save an item, i.e. the bibliographic info, but the PDF is not attached.

    To troubleshoot this more and before I submit a log, I want to review the logs for an obvious problem and to ensure that they are of appropriate quality to be helpful. What settings should I adjust in order to get more info into the logs about the connector and Zotero? My debug level in the advanced config parameters is currently 5. Is there something else I should be checking?
  • You can view the log before submitting it from the Help → Debug Output Logging menu.
  • I found my answer in the Zotero log and not the connector log as dstillman pointed out in the original post. When I dug into this log, it was verbose enough see that my proxy is causing a certificate problem. I was able to update Zotero to use the proper intermediate root certificate by following the directions in this knowledge base article:

    Thanks for pointing me to the main program logs.
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