Intext citation does not seem to be linked with Zotero

Hello all, look like others have had this problem but I could not seem to find the solution. So I worked on my document at work and saved it as the citations in one of my manuscripts does not seem to be linked to Zotero any more--when I tried to add a new citation, it came up as "1", which was not the case...Any idea to fix this? Thanks for your help!
  • Saved as *.docx from Word or from LibreOffice?
  • Microsoft Word...
  • the difference is that I have Mac (but Word is installed) at home and Window at work
  • Is it not working on the Mac? What version of Word do you have installed there?
  • One document is working and the other is not...Word 16.23
  • I’m exactly following. Can you describe in detail exactly what is and is not working and where?
  • In text citations are no longer linked to Zotero....So now when I try to add additional references, Zotero would register any reference as "1"--the first reference in the manuscripts--which is not the case....
  • There are generally 3 causes for this:
    1. You saved in an unsupported format (e.g. .docx from LibreOffice or .odt from Word)
    2. You opened the file in a software that's not supported (e.g. Mac Pages)
    3. You clicked the Unlink Citations button.

    The problem is almost certainly one of these three.
  • If I clicked on the unlink citations, how can I fix it?

  • Or any way I can fix any of the three causes for that matter
  • The only way to relink your document with Zotero would be to open an older version of the document from before the links were lost and restore/save it.
  • hmmm, the weird thing was that I opened the old version, and it still did not work...
  • Zotero may have prompted you to disable automatic citation updates if an update at any point took a while. You can see this checkbox in the document preferences. If you have automatic citation updates disabled then the numbering of your citations will be wrong until you press Refresh in the Zotero plugin.
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