HELP! Citing multiple works by same author in APA 2001a 2001b 2001c

I am just finishing up my PhD and Zotero desktop on my Mac has been citing APA format multiple publications by the same author by spelling out the citations in full. For instance, below is the case of four separate publications that are cited in my dissertation:


(Sam M. Green et al., 2018)
(S. Green and Buxton, 2017)
(Sam Martin Green et al., 2016)
(Green et al., 2018)

I need the to instead appear:
Green et al., 2018a
Green and Buxton, 2017
Green et al., 2016
Green et al., 2018b

Most importantly would be to sort out how to get 2018a, 2018b, 2018c

I have no real tech background, but happy to take step-by-step instructions on how to fix this!

If there is no fix, I'd rather not have to re-cite every article in a 200 page dissertation using RefWorks or EndNote in order to fix it. But, could I somehow export my reference list and generate it within EndNote or something (and have EndNote fix the in-text citations)?

Thanks in advance,
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