CSL error: this.registry.citationreg.citationById[c[0]] is undefined

Report ID: 1868046396
Debug ID: D394933253

I have received the CSL error message below when trying to edit a prior citation. I don't know if the steps will be reproducible after restarting Word or Zotero, but at the moment they are, by doing the following:

1. Select a previously created citation
2. In Word, click Add/Edit citation
3. In the Zotero dialogue, click the blue bubble and then select "Suppress Author Name"
4. Hit "enter" to confirm

Full Error Message from Word:
CSL error
TypeError: this.registry.citationreg.citationById[c[0]] is undefined
atarray citationsPre index 0, from citation at document position 4

  • Thanks for reporting -- as you may have seen, several people have reported this going away after restarting Word & Zotero, so definitely try that.
  • Anything peculiar about this document? E.g. did someone else edit this document before your attempt now? Are there tracked changes in between the first and fifth citations?
  • Thanks for the follow-up. I did try restarting both Word and Zotero, but the problem persists. Nothing unusual has happened with the document or editing, sharing, etc. I tried the same procedure on different citations and it didn't repeat, but it continues with this citation. I even deleted it and tried to re-insert it but the same problem persisted. I don't know if perhaps the citation itself is somehow corrupted.
  • Are you using Track Changes in this document, though?

    See Debugging Broken Documents.
  • sorry, no tracked changes either.
  • Have you pasted citations or text from other documents into this one at all? (Sorry for the added question: I'm also very curious how this happens.)
  • I have pasted plain text into the document, but no citations or fields. I've tried to think of what makes this any different than the other citations (which still work fine), and it is also designated as French in the language field, where the others are all English. I doubt that matters, but thought I would mention it.
  • Another quick question. Do you use the preview editor ("Show editor ..." in the Classic citation dialog) at all?
  • fbennett, I haven't used the editor.
  • Thanks. I spent the weekend code-spelunking, and made some progress. I was able to reproduce the bug using the citation editor (hence that last question), but using the red-ribbon popup (Quick Format) in a style that sorts its citations might also trigger it. I've submitted a patch for review by Zotero developers. My fix may need some further adjustments, but we're getting close to squashing this one.
  • Had the same issue. Reapplying the style from document preferences and clicking refresh seems to remove the issue.
  • Yep, it's a transient thing that doesn't harm the document. My "fix" was ham-fisted and didn't pass muster; but Adomas made adjustments that properly squash the bug. That's in the current beta, will be out in the next release.
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