Drag and Drop not working correctly with Link Attachment Base Directory

1. I set up my Link Attachment Base Directory.
2. I drag and drop a file using Shift Ctrl

This just seems to create the link to the file, but leaves the file in it's location.

What is the setting to have this behave correctly (i.e. move file to the Link Attachment Base Directory and then link to there in Zotero)?

  • That setting simply controls how the paths are stored when you link to a file that's already within that directory.

    If you want files moved there automatically, you'll need to install the third-party ZotFile extension.
  • Thanks for the answer. I have ZotFile installed, but that also does not work. ZotFile only works when importing from a browser with the browser plugin, not when using drag and drop. In the latter case I always need to manually select the item and do "Rename attachments". Can I automate this somehow (i.e. that everytime I drag something into Zotero, it will always automatically run the "Rename attachments" action)?
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