Specialist report within a journal article

I work in a field where a lot of specialist reports by different authors are often bundled together into a single journal article, for example:

Williams, D 1985 "Plant remains". In J Manley "Early medieval radiocarbon dates and plant remains from Rhuddlan". Archaeologia Cambrensis, 134, 111-113.

I can't find an option within Zotero to allow me to produce a reference in this form. (The author of the specialist report either comes out looking like they've written the entire journal article, or the journal article takes over from the title of the specialist report).

Can anyone offer any suggestions?
  • Have you tried using a "book section" as you would have the title of your specialist report as the title and the entire article as the Book title.
  • What style are you generally working with?
  • I generally use Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition (author-date)
  • Psycoperl - if I set up the article title as a Book title, where should I put the journal title?
  • I would try using the journal title as the book title.

    So it would be Item Type: Book Section
    Title: Specialist Report Title
    Author: Specialist Report Author
    Book Title: Journal Author in "Journal Article Title"
    Series: Journal Name
  • For Chicago, enter it as a journal article, using the section author and title as the item title and author. Enter the full article information in Extra like this:
    Medium: In J. Manley "Early medieval radiocarbon dates and plant remains from Rhuddlan"
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