Zotero on Word 2016

I am using word 2016. I installed first zotero on my disc C, but according to space on my C, i change it to D.
Now, everytime when a open a word file, a get this message:
"Impossible d'ouvrir ce modèle de document. (C:\Users\[my name]\...\~$Zotero.dotm)"

When I click on ok, the word file opens and Zotero works correctly.
But, how can we avoid having this message at each opening?
Thank you in advance
  • Go to the path listed, make sure that you have hidden files enabled under View tab and delete the "~$Zotero.dotm" file. Keep "Zotero.dotm" in that folder. For the record this shouldn't have anything to do with moving Zotero, and to do with not closing Word properly and/or opening/editing the Zotero.dotm file, since "~$" is a prefix Word adds for edited files for recovery.
  • Ok. It works !
    Thank You !
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