Zotero full text PDF indexing failing?


I am running Zotero 5.0.60 and I am having trouble getting PDF indexing to work. The vast majority of my library remains unindexed and Zotero doesn't parse the PDFs with the included pdf tools regardless of whether I try to rebuild the index, wipe the cache and restart or select the refresh index icon on individual PDFs.

While I know some PDFs may not be compatible with indexing I am pretty sure something is bugged since this happens on more than one computer. Running the pdftotext util from the command line on sample PDFs outputs parsed text files without problems, so I am sure the tools are functioning and the PDFs _can_ be read.

I know from reading around on these forums that the caching likes to run during idle time, but leaving zotero open overnight also doesn't result in any progress.

Any ideas?

I thought that maybe it has to do with a corrupt database, since I have switched between Zotero sync and a local webdav server at my uni. However, running the db repair tool doesn't make a difference and generally I have no sync errors or problems outside of text caching.

Thanks for any help you can offer.
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