Error while changing document preferences

I'm trying to change citation style using "document preferences" tool on Microsoft Word and I receive the following error message:
"An unhalded exception occured. [convertToNoteType:d:\users\build\cgwin\home\build\zotero-word-for-windows-integration\build\zoterowinwordintegration\field.cpp]"
Do anyone else have the same problem and know how to resolve it?
Thank you very much.
  • From which to which style are you changing? Are your citations currently stored as endnotes?
  • I'm trying to pass from Chicago Manual of Style to Vancouver. My citations are stored as endnotes, I tried to change them to foot-page but I still receive the same error message.
  • This should almost certainly work if you change to footnote, then OK for the change to take effect, then convert to Vancouver.
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