How to reference report with multiple sections (each having its own authors)?

I have a report published by an institution (and it must be referenced under the institution). So that's straightforward, I capture it in Zotero as "Report".

However, this report contains many sections, each with its own title and authors. I would need to reference those almost as "Book Section", but by doing so, I will lose the institution which edited/published the entire report (note, it's still different from a book publisher).

I would need a hybrid of the kind "Report Section", where I can indicate both, the Report title and editing/publishing institution, AND the section title and author.

How do you handle this situation?

(here is an example of such a report:

and I'm using APA6 as referencing style).

Thanks for any insight!
  • If you add these to Extra:
    Container title: Title of the full report
    Editor: Last || First

    Those can get picked up and cited. I believe these should work in the current APA style, but if not, they will work in the revision I’m working on here:
  • Thanks @bwiernik, I'll give it a try!

    Just to be clear:
    The full report doesn't have an editor, but an institution (and hence no Last or First name).

    So I choose Item Type "Report", I put under Title the title of just the section within the report (and not of the report itself), under Author its author (again of just the section within the report), under Institution I put the institution which published the report as a whole and under Extra I put "Container title: " and then the title of the entire report.

    For example (using the document I provided as an example):
    [Item type] Report
    [Title] Food and Cities: an Area of Growing Interest
    [Author] Andrea Calori
    [Institution] Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition Foundation (BCFN) and the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP)
    [Extra] Container title: Food & Cities. The role of cities for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

    the other fields as usual.

    If I want to add an editor for the report as a whole, then I need to put the || symbol (I assume it's two vertical lines, Unicode: U+007C ?)
  • Yes, that’s all correct. In Extra, first and last names are separated by two vertical bar characters. ||
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