Deleting file in data directory

As I was searching my data directory for large files in order to reduce the overall size of the directory, I came across a strange pdf that I must have accidentally downloaded. I would like to delete the library entry that this file belongs to, but I can't figure out which it is. I have tried searching within Zotero standalone for the file name and the date my PC says it was modified, but to no avail. Any advice?

Thanks, Nick
  • Searching with filenames works for me, but also try the eight-character folder name the pdf is in, like "I3BZ9V8E", within your storage folder. Search inside the Zotero app with that eight-character string (make sure you are not in a subcollection, and that you can see your entire library before the search).

    Hope this helps.
  • No luck, but thanks. Very strange...
  • Huh, that makes me think that Zotero is not using the data and storage folders you think it is using. Can you right-click on an item in Zotero, and ask it to Show File? It may point to someplace else entirely and you may have another base directory Zotero works from.
  • edited January 29, 2019
    If you search by the folder name, you have to search in All Fields & Tags mode. And note that it could be in any of your libraries, or in any of the trashes.
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