citing Same Author, Different Books, for second, third time

Hello. I have a problem i want to solve. If i have the same Author, but 2 different book, when i cite the first time, is ok, but after that it cites only ”Author, page”, so it does not specify witch book i cited. How can i have the citation as: ”Author, Book, page” for the 2,3,4,5 etc. citations?
Thank you!
I know is simple and the problem has a very simple solution...but for now i don”t have it!
  • If you are using Chicago style, Zotero is following what the manual recommends: Just “Author, page” if the citation immediately follows the first (full) citation (where ibid used to be used) and “Author, Short Title, Page” if there are other intervening citations in between.
  • Thank you for the answer. Yes, i am using Chicago style, but i saw that specifically i need to write every time not only ”Author, page” when i cited before from that book. I always have to write ”Author, Short title, page”. How can i do that? And if it is one after another, to write ”ibid”. Thank you!
  • You can use this version of the style:

    But re-read what bwiernik answered above; you're misunderstanding what the manual recommends (and Zotero does) since the 17th edition.
  • Hey, Thank you very much. i installed that version you gave me! The problem is that my school has ca Manual of style that takes most of the Chicago Style, but where you cite the same book again, is not ”ibidem, page”, is ”Ibid, page”, or just ”ibid” if it is the same page (of course). So how can i edit/insert/download a style or a feature that changes that?
    Thank you again!
  • Which language are you using the style in? The default English version uses ibid, not ibidem
  • I am using Romanian. So it should use „ibid”. Can it be changed?
  • So Do you think i can do something to change from ibidem to ibid.?
  • I'm on my phone (and haven't checked what's going on with the original style), but generally you can set to override the standard translation of the terms by adding a locale section into the style (between the info part and your first macro).
    Something like this:
    <locale xml-lang="ro">
    <term name="ibid">ibid</term>

    Make sure to change the style ID, self link and file name to something else. Otherwise your new style will not show up and get overridden with the next update.
  • Yes, I don't think it's correct that the standard Romanian form is ibid -- if anything I'm seeing more ibidem than ibid and that's the original translation we received (from, of course, a native speaker).
    So as damnation suggests, the only way to change this would be to edit the style. Additional instructions here:
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