problem with citation

i start to work with Zotero for writing my paper but i have two problems
1- some citation wppear as a and b but they are the same refernce i don't know why and how i fix it
2- i used APA style wnd when i applied it some times it cited as APA and other refernce no .how can i solve it ( sometimes the same refernce inserted two different ways )

  • some citation wppear as a and b but they are the same refernce
    i used APA style wnd when i applied it some times it cited as APA and other refernce no
    I'm not sure what you mean here. Can provide an example?
  • If I understand the first issue correctly this actually sounds more like you have a duplicate of the item in your database and cited both copies.
  • the second issue for example
    i choose the style APA so it appears like ( x , y , z ,2001) but some times when i cited the same refernce in the same paper it appear just like that ( x el at, 2001)
    so how i fix that

    and thanks for the first issu i found that i have duplicate of the papers
  • Another thing i removed the duplicate refernce but still have the same thing a and b for the same uthor
  • Did you delete the citation to the deleted item from the document and re-insert it cited bug the correct item?

    Note that you generally want to merge duplicate items, not delete one from your library, for the smoothest experience.
  • i deleted them not merge but i will try to re cite them again
  • i still have the same problem i deleted even the all cited places with this refence but i still have it and i even delete it from the library but i still have it when i start to insert i found it what i do ?
  • Better to provide actual examples rather than xyz, but note that APA style, on first citation, does cite up to 5 authors, then subsequently will use first author, et al. for 3+ authors, so what you're describing is in line with the style guide.

    If a reference appears as both a and b, you're inserting to different versions. Make sure to always use the version under "My Library" as you re-insert the citation.
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