CANT UNINSTALL ZOTERO PLUG IN from mac word version 16.16.5
Can someone help?
I uninstall Zotero from the computer but the plugin still there.
There is an error and i need to reinstall it, but i need to erase it
Thank you
I uninstall Zotero from the computer but the plugin still there.
There is an error and i need to reinstall it, but i need to erase it
Thank you
If you are having a Zotero related problems reinstalling is almost never going to fix anything, but if you describe your problem we can try helping.
I dont´ know now what I did but I DELETED everything that says ZOTERO from the FINDER
Because every time that I touched a reference from a word document, WORD would FREEZE and I should force to quit WORD and loose all my work.
Then I though to DELETE everything and reinstall it :(
I did it but the plugin still there.
Could you clarify what you mean?
Touching as in simply selecting a citation with the cursor.
I think i found the problem and i Solved it.
Word had an update and I think something happened with the plug in connection :/
im not really sure.
now its working fine again.
I reinstalled zotero and fix manually the "connections" to the plugin and it worked,
My theory is that before everything I had an update of word and the plugin lost the connection or something. maybe you can try by installing zotero again and manually install the plug in.
Im sorry im very rudimentary in my terms, good luck