Can't convert footnotes to in-text citations in Word.

  • edited December 10, 2018
    If there is any extra non-citation text (or even space characters) in the footnotes before conversion they will not get converted automatically by Zotero and you will have to manually move those out of footnotes.
  • I've checked and that is no the case. All entirely zotero citations
  • If you make a copy of the document and remove all text but a single citation that doesn't convert properly (and the surrounding couple of words), and then attempt to perform a conversion, does it work? If so, run through the debugging broken documents steps. If not, please send that snippet of document to with a link to this thread and also provide your system details: version of Word, OS and Zotero.
  • @arisilbermann There was a space character at the end of the footnote that you have sent to us. The plugins should ignore trailing whitespace in the footnote when converting, but it currently does not, so you'll have to remove it manually for those footnotes.
  • I also had extra spaces at the end of the footnotes. I erased them and the conversion went well! Thanks, @adomasven
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