Latex and Zotero citation key

Hello, I am wondering how to see/set what my citation keys are in Zotero for when I try to cite them inline on Overleaf/Latex? I cant seem to find how zotero auto generates the key or where to see what it is..

Thank you!
  • Zotero doesn't have built-in citekey support. The model it uses is to export bibtex with (relatively) stable citekeys and let your LaTeX editor of choice do the rest. That's e.g. how Overleaf's Zotero integration works -- you don't need to know citekeys for it.

    If you do need visible citekeys in Zotero, look at which does that and many other things bibtex related (those citekeys, however, are _not_ the same ones Overleaf will pick up from Zotero).
  • Thanks Adam, I was able to open up the bib file with notepad and even when using the exact citekey that Zotero creates, latex wont take it. \cite{"stuff"} doesnt give auto suggestions for the stuff part from the bib file.. any ideas?
  • edited December 12, 2018
    Even though NotePad has recently been improved, I believe that it still has a problem with line-endings compatibility (I might be wrong). Someone else should comment on my statement and if I am correct maybe they can recommend a text editor that is more robust but inexpensive or free.
  • You can however use BBTs git support to push BBT-generated keys to overleaf. That's how I use it. You can also set the BBT pattern to "zotero" and you'll see the same keys(*) in Zotero as when you get them from the regular integration with Overleaf.

    (*) except in case of key duplicates, but then it's uncertain which keys you get in overleaf in any case if I recall correctly.
  • Notepad++ is the go-to replacement for Notepad. But if keys don't autocomplete on Overleaf but otherwise look OK, contact Overleaf support. They're very responsive.
  • Hey, thanks everyone for the help. I'll contact Overleaf as I feel it might be an issue that they changed things from their V1 to V2 platform. Thanks again!
  • I've been using V2 actively the past few weeks and I haven't seen problems.
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