ACS short form citation

edited December 7, 2018

I've been reading the forums; I have been looking for the appropriate citation style, specifically the following ACS Style. I understand what is in the ACS style book. However, this is what almost everyone uses (example below):

Zeng, G.; Sakaki, S.; Fujita, K.; Sano, H.; Yamaguchi, R. ACS Catal. 2014, 4, 1010

The journal title should be italicized, the year bolded, and the issue italicized. Only the first page, not the page range should be shown. Only the issue, not the volume should be displayed.

Again, this is standard in most ACS journals and this is how everyone uses it. I'm not well versed in HTML or CS, my entire library is in Zotero, and I would appreciate the help.

I want to emphasize again that this citation style is standard, what is expected in my publications and my thesis. So this is what I am looking for.

Thank you,
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