A Plug-in for Power Point

This seems like a fairly pointless thing to put any effort towards but Powerpoint presentations are more and more regular in usage especially for pitching dissertations and papers to lecturers and professors and these have to be cited, currently there is no easy way to do this via Zotero, I was wondering if there is already a Plug-in for Microsoft Powerpoint and if not would anybody be willing to create one?
  • A PowerPoint plugin is very unlikely to happen. You can just use Quick Copy for that.
  • edited December 7, 2018
    Quick Copy would make sense if you're giving full citations on each slide (e.g., footnotes or similar).

    Personally when using author-date styles, I just write them out by hand[1], and then spend around 5 minutes after the slides are done[2] just duplicating that information in a Word document (line by line adding citations from each slide) and then copy and paste the generated bibliography into the last slide. I find this still relatively convenient.[3]

    1: Zotero won't format that for you, but hopefully you know what format you're using and won't ever need to change it for a publisher or anything like that.
    2: If you're using a numbered-references style, then I suppose you'd want to do this simultaneously while writing to keep track of which citation is which, since you'd just be writing out numbers in Powerpoint.
    3: Only thing to keep an eye out for is disambiguating years, like "Author 2018a, 2018b", which you can do manually.
  • Quick Copy can generate both citations and references.
  • That's true, and you could certainly use it to generate the citations on the way.

    But my absolutely favorite feature of Zotero is automatically generating the bibliography to make sure it's synchronized to what's cited in the paper. For that reason I like to use the parallel Word document to automatically generate it, from line-by-line cites corresponding to slide-by-slide cites, to make sure there are no errors (non-correspondences), or if so, easily fix them, rather than manually editing a list of citations, not to mention the hassle of manually alphabetizing them (or alternatives like sorting afterwards, etc.). I don't think this takes any more time (maybe less!), and it feels most reliable to me, rather than hoping I didn't make any mistakes.

    Of course it all depends on how complex your slides are. If you're only citing a few things, my method may be irrelevant. But I frequently cite several dozen references in conference presentations.
  • This can be done in Rmarkdown should you want it badly enough
  • I just create my slides in Word, as landscape pages set to a 1920x1080 pixels. The final "deck" is saved out as a PDF, and presented in PDF reader set to full screen.
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