Plugin on word ID:1060200410
I cannot have a plugin in word. With this message:
[JavaScript Error: "Cannot access contents of url "chrome-search://most-visited/edit.html?addTitle=Adicionar%20atalho&editTitle=Editar%20atalho&nameField=Nome&urlField=URL&linkRemove=Remover&linkCancel=Cancelar&linkDone=Conclu%C3%ADdo&invalidUrl=Digite%20um%20URL%20v%C3%A1lido". Extension manifest must request permission to access this host."]
[JavaScript Error: "Cannot access contents of url "chrome-search://most-visited/single.html?title=Mais%20visitados&removeTooltip=N%C3%A3o%20mostrar%20esta%20p%C3%A1gina&enableMD=1&enableCustomLinks=1&addLink=Adicionar%20atalho&addLinkTooltip=Adicionar%20atalho&editLinkTooltip=Editar%20atalho". Extension manifest must request permission to access this host."]
[JavaScript Error: "Cannot access contents of url "chrome-search://most-visited/edit.html?addTitle=Adicionar%20atalho&editTitle=Editar%20atalho&nameField=Nome&urlField=URL&linkRemove=Remover&linkCancel=Cancelar&linkDone=Conclu%C3%ADdo&invalidUrl=Digite%20um%20URL%20v%C3%A1lido". Extension manifest must request permission to access this host."]
[JavaScript Error: "Cannot access contents of url "chrome-search://most-visited/single.html?title=Mais%20visitados&removeTooltip=N%C3%A3o%20mostrar%20esta%20p%C3%A1gina&enableMD=1&enableCustomLinks=1&addLink=Adicionar%20atalho&addLinkTooltip=Adicionar%20atalho&editLinkTooltip=Editar%20atalho". Extension manifest must request permission to access this host."]
I also have the connector on Google Chrome.
The problem it is the plugin don't appear inside the Word, so I can't insert the references in my documents. :(
You definitely have the file, unless you moved it elsewhere. Reinstall Zotero from the download page and try again. If you don't see it after that, you're almost certainly looking in the wrong place.
I mean, it is supoust to be inside the folder Program files (x86), right?? But don't.
Could you please help me??
If that's where you're looking, the folder exists but is empty, and this is a fresh installation of Zotero, something is wrong on your system — e.g., security software is removing the file during the installation.
To work around this, you can download the .dotm from here and follow the rest of the instructions. But note that you may have trouble in the future when there are updates to that file in a future version if you don't figure out what's causing it not to exist.
But when I open word appears the error message: "Error Loading Custom UI XML, Error Code: 0x80004005. Then I click "Ok", word open, but I need to "enable content" to appears the Zotero file on my folders in word.