Juggling windows

Hi all,

I recently was forced to update everything to the latest versions of word, zotero, and my mac os. Now whenever I enter a citation in word, it automatically flips me to the Zotero window after I hit "enter." It's not a giant deal but it's annoying. Is there any way to fix this?

  • That shouldn't happen, and doesn't for me.

    What exact Word, Zotero, and macOS versions?

    Have you tried restarting your computer? Are you using the default red Quick Format bar or the "classic" Add Citation window?
  • Word: 16.19
    Zotero: 5.5.58
    MacOS: 10.14.1 (Mojave)

    I've tried rebooting all programs and my machine. When I updated it changed from the red Quick Format bar to the window.

  • When I updated it changed from the red Quick Format bar to the window.
    What do you mean by window? I'm referring to the red Quick Format bar and the "classic" citation dialog you can get if you click on the Z in the Quick Format bar. If you're seeing the classic dialog instead of the Quick Format bar, that wouldn't have been related to upgrading — it just means you changed the setting in the Cite pane of the preferences to always show the classic dialog.

    Or do you just mean that the problem started when you upgraded, and now when you press Enter in the Quick Format bar it brings Zotero to the front?

    Just so we're sure we're talking about the same thing, it might be helpful if you could take a screen recording (using the built-in Screenshot app in Mojave), upload that to Dropbox or similar, and email a link to support@zotero.org with a link to this thread.
  • It started when I updated so I must have changed the preference somehow during the update process. Thankfully, I switched it back to the quick format bar and it stopped!

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