[Solved] export to BibTex options to manage citation key and fields to be exported

edited November 27, 2018
I've just started to use Zotero as reference manager. When exporting the items from collection to BibTex, I did not find so far any options how to manage the citation key and fields to be exported. For example I'll like citation key as author_year and to omit the abstract and file field in exported BibTex file. I'll be glad if this can be done in Zotero without manual editing.
  • In the "stock" version, you'd need to edit the BibTeX.js translator.
    The Better BibTeX extension will add translators that allow you to customize the cite key and omit fields.
  • If you are using Zotero with BibTeX or Markdown, I strongly recommend using the BetterBibTeX plugin for a much more powerful and flexible experience.
  • Thanks a lot kernesky and bwiernik for pointing out this addon. I'm exploring it.
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