Mendeley CSL Editor - Conditional delimeter?

I am using Mendeley and have had good success in modifying the existing "Cite Them Rite 10th edition - Harvard" style using the visual CSL Editor.

A problem remains with an in-line citation, for example in:

(Einstein, 1905; Campbell & Pedersen, 2007; Williams et al., 2010)

I need to remove the comma "," at the end of et al., but retain the delimiter "," after Einstein and after Pederson. I.e. I require the followinng:

(Einstein, 1905; Campbell & Pedersen, 2007; Williams et al. 2010)

I can easily enough remove the delimiter "," after et al but this also removes it after Einstein and after Pederson. The 'Williams et al' seems to be treated as a single name and I can't quite see how to maybe use some conditional node to avoid the "," after the et al only. Most grateful for any suggestions how to do this?

  • That's not possible -- it's also a weird requirement that I've never seen. Why would you want to remove the comma after et al.?
  • Thanks Adam,

    You make a very fair comment, however the requirement is to meet the style set by CNM who are particularly fussy about referencing. There does not appear to be a facility here on the forum to attach files, so I quote the relevant part of their instructions which illustrate:

    Extract from CNM Referencing Guide as follows:
    Three or more authors:
    If there are three or more authors you should include the first named author and then add ‘et al.’ meaning ‘and others’. Jones et al. (2017) or (Jones et al. 2017)

    Citing multiple sources in the text:
    When more than one source of information is used to support a statement or idea then these should be cited in chronological order separated by a semi-colon:

    According to Jones (1995); Maguire et al. (1998) and Jenkins & Smith (2001) levels of… or (Jones, 1995; Maguire et al. 1998; Jenkins & Smith, 2001).

    The very last line best illustrates the problem.
    As can be seen, never a comma after et al. but a comma after the author name(s) (except where et al is triggered). I can't see a way of achieving this using Mendeley with CSL Editor - may not be possible?
  • Is this for a specific journal?
    I have an inkling that this is just a mistake in the author guidelines. (after making several hundred citation styles, I can tell you this is extremely common...)
  • It's definitely not possible, though.
  • Thanks damnation,

    To clarify, this is a requirement for referencing in course submissions for professional CNM qualifications, and not for any particular journal. I am surprised that CNM specify a style 'slightly' different from any other commonly recognised style! I note that their Referencing Guide is at Version 7, so hopefully mistakes should have been amended, but still may be a mistake as you suggest. Sorry, but I can't find a direct on-line link to the document; it only seems to be accessible by registered course participants.
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