Style Request: Nanomedicine(Futuremedicin)

Hi everyone,

could I kindly request following CSL style for a Futuremedicin journal? I really tried, but I am not able to do it by myself. Thanks for the help!

In text citation:
References should be denoted numerically and in sequence in the text, using Arabic numerals placed in square brackets, i.e., [12].

Quote first six authors’ names. If there are more than six, then quote first three et al.
Author’s names should appear without full stops in their initials.
A full stop follows authors’ names. Journal name should be in italics and abbreviated to standard Format. Volume number followed by comma, not bold. Page number range separated by a hyphen with no spaces, followed by the year in brackets, and then a full stop


Journal example: Fantl JA, Cardozo L, McClish DK et al. Estrogen therapy in the management of urinary incontinence in postmenopausal women: a meta-analysis. Obstet. Gynecol. 83(1), 12–18 (1994).

Book example: De Groat WC, Booth AM, Yoshimura N. Neurophysiology of micturition and its modification in animal models of human disease. In: The Autonomic Nervous System (Volume 6). Andrews WR (Ed.), Harwood Academic Publishers, London, UK, 227–289 (1993).

Link to the description of the required style: Author Guidelines-1540302236583.pdf
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