Zotero reached max storage-- can't find previous citations

edited November 8, 2018
My Zotero account was zynced. If I upgrade storage, will I be able to retrieve the files that were on my account? Why didn't it warn me that I reached max storage? I would have upgraded if I knew. I open my library through the web page but I am not finding the citations I had previously.

Also, why can't I find Zotero as a plugin for the latest version of Firefox? I am in the middle of writing my dissertation, I can't be losing my sources. If Zotero is not supported on Firefox, what other options do I have? I also use Chrome but the Zotero interface is simpler to use on Firefox (one button to cite the source, another to open the library). Any help will be incredibly useful
  • On Zotero for Firefox see

    On syncing-- Zotero would have warned you, but the sync limit only refers to attached files. Once you're at the limit of your storage, Zotero will still sync all your citations (just not attached files) and all files will still be available locally, so you'd have to be more precise about what you're not finding and where.
  • edited November 8, 2018
    WOW! It worked! I downloaded the standalone program and all my sources were there. I can't thank you enough for your quick response and help. I was freaking out. Thank you again. You are a lifesaver!

    (Also, I really appreciate that your name is adamsmith, my dissertation is about economics)
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