The Citation Style File Error (Report ID: 2008223091)

I am using a customized citation style format but there is an error when I use it recently. Please help.
  • What is th exact error?

    Can you paste your style code to, save it, and post a link here?
  • edited October 31, 2018
    Can't use it after the recent update of Zotero.
  • The style was still in the (very, very) old, CSL 0.8 format. Apparently Zotero (probably accidentally) dropped support for these old styles, but they can be easily updated

    I've uploaded an updated version of your style here:

    @dstillman would you know if this was you or Frank that broke the compatibility with 0.8 styles? Would probably be good to either restore or add a clearer error message. (I'm perfectly fine with the latter option)
  • thanks!

    As there is no Chinese style version for my seminary, we've edited a customized version and using fine for few years.
  • It looks like @adomasven removed support for 0.8 styles recently — not sure if there was any particular reason.
  • Thanks -- this is the 2nd report of this in a couple of days, so while I'm sure it's rare, it's not non-existent. Displaying a clearer error would be nice, I think.

    "Styles with CSL version 0.8 are no longer supported. You can easily update your style."

    or something along those lines
  • I've reverted the commit for now. I removed it while working on some other bugfix and eliminating this as one possible source. I didn't see any reason to keep it then, but did not consider custom styles. We could write the updated 0.8 files to disk from Zotero, but the xslt transformer in Zotero loses whitespace, so the resulting stylesheets would be awful to work with if that was ever needed later down the line (which I guess isn't very likely, given these are unupdated 0.8 styles). And it's not easy to make this work nicely with a prompt. We cannot have hyperlinks in the text, and we'd have to include the path to the offending style, which would disappear after you clicked the "See update instructions" button. We'll probably be able to provide better upgrade UX in electron.
  • "the xslt transformer in Zotero loses whitespace, so the resulting stylesheets would be awful to work with if that was ever needed later down the line"

    Well, there is always to restore proper indenting. And the JavaScript code that does the reformatting is reasonably well isolated (, so you could even contemplate incorporating it into Zotero if you wanted to.
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