copy and paste cite key

Hi folks, I am using the standalone Zotero and better bibtex. If I have a paper selected in
Zotero and hit shift-cmd-c and then cmd-v in my text editor it will put the .bib entry for the paper in the file. My quick copy format in the better bibtex preferences is set to be Latex. I would like to just paste in the cite key but I can't seem to get that work no matter the quick copy preference I choose - I thought choosing "Cite Keys" would work, but no dice! Any suggestions?
  • Fixed! In the export tab I had not selected "Better BibTeX Citation Key Quick Copy" - I just had "Better BibTeX" selected.
  • That UX is a little confusing but the alternative I have (which used to be the case) was to put a growing list of translators in the dropdown menu.
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