Short Form Citation Not Working - Zotero for Google Drive

When using the new Zotero for Google Drive and citing the same source consecutively, Zotero produces a full footnote for both references instead of the typical shorter footnote after the first citation.

I double-checked in Microsoft Word. Zotero produces the shorter footnote as expected in Word. I am using the Chicago Manual of Style (full-note). Thanks for your help!
  • edited October 22, 2018
    Click the "Refresh" button for short and ibid citations to update and display correctly (I believe Zotero doesn't do this "live" to not slow down inserting citations too much).
  • Thank you, Adam! This solved my problem and provided helpful insight.
  • I think that's a bug — you should get the short form unless you have "Automatically update citations" unchecked, the same as in Word. Issue created.
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