Zotfile or Zotero error? adding pdf files to zotero if a pdf with the same name already exists

edited October 7, 2018
Previously, if I tried to add an pdf of a second work with the same author and title--for example, an article was republished later in a collection, and I'm trying to add the chapter after I already added the article--Zotero would rename the collection chapter as author_title2 and link it to the item. Now, Zotero still renames the pdf, but leaves the link as author_title, so it ends up connecting to the article pdf instead of the chapter pdf. Likewise, if try to "rename" the pdf after I capitalized a word in the title in Zotero, it renames the pdf as author_title2 but keeps the link as author_title, so the link to the pdf no longer works. This was working fine before, so should be easy to fix.
  • Zotero keeps every attachment in a different folder by default so that duplicate filenames are a non-issue, so this would sound like a ZotFile issue? You're using linked files?
  • Yes, I'm using linked files and using Zotfile to rename them. Must be Zotfile.
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