Identify similar / same authors before exporting

An issue I keep running into when dealing with large number of references in the same area, is that the same author might be imported by slightly different names / versions on these references.
Let's say these names across 3 papers would all point to the same author:

Dewe, Philip
Dewe, Philip J.
Dewe, P. J.

The problem is that when I generate my references using biblatex, this will cause weird artefacts to show up both in text and in references list as the generator will try to highlight that these are different people.

Sometimes it's easy to spot because a square bracket [] pair gets added in the references list in the generated document, sometimes it is hard because the in-text citation will have a prefix.

The solution is to manually fix the entries, which is fine.

However, marking these entries, just like finding duplicates, would be essential, as manual

Would it be easy to try to identify these entries ? Just like finding duplicates in Zotero, so the user can go through the list and fix the references before exporting / using them?

Thanks :)
  • This is, in my opinion, not just a "before exporting" problem. It would affect a bibliography generated by Zotero itself in exactly the same way.
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