Articles not showing alphabetical with the same date
Recently, I noticed that articles with the same date don't show up alphabetically. I would assume that once the date is the same for different articles, the articles would cluster together but should show alphabetically in the order. Is there something I am missing?
Recently, I noticed that articles with the same date don't show up alphabetically. I would assume that once the date is the same for different articles, the articles would cluster together but should show alphabetically in the order. Is there something I am missing?
My initial question was:
"I noticed that articles with the same date don't show up alphabetically by title" (when the articles are added in a folder in a group library). I would assume that once the date (publication date which gets downloaded from the actual article) is the same for different articles, the articles would cluster together but should show alphabetically in the order. Is there something I am missing?"
Did I explain which alphabetical order I am talking about?
Also, as an admin where can I see the style of the group library I am a part of?