Citation number does not update

Wondering if this has happened to anyone else? I was holding a session for incoming graduate students, showing them how the bibliography will automatically update the citations when another one is added into the beginning of the document. We were using NLM/Journal of Dental Education citation style. When the student inserted another citation into the first sentence of the practice document, instead of populating/adjusting correctly, it showed that she had two number 2 references in the bibliography. Even when she clicked the "refresh" button, it showed citations 1, 2, and 2 in the bibliography instead of 1, 2, and 3. We had to delete the bibliography and reinsert to fix the problem.
  • Can you reproduce this again reliably? What are the steps? What operating system and Word processor did you use?
  • I cannot. We tried and it's just not doing it again.

    I wasn't over the student while she was following the instructions so it is hard to say if she veered from my recommended steps. My steps were...

    1. Type three sentences.
    2. After sentence one, cite a journal article.
    3. After sentence two, cite a website.
    4. After sentence three, cite a textbook.
    5. Insert bibliography.
    6. Add the textbook citation to citation one.
    7. Click refresh.

    The bibliography showed...

    1. Journal article
    2. Textbook
    2. Website

    Until I deleted the bibliography and reinserted.

    She was using an hp PC laptop and the most recent versions of Zotero and Word. Everything had just been installed by IT.

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