Retrieve Metadata from PDF in a link file


I used Zotfile to store all my pdf in an external folder from Zotero's default folder (in order to have an easier access).
I want to correct some of those pfds' metadatas with Zoteros, but when I click right on them, the usual "retrieve metadata from PDF" option doesn't appear. Is it because the pdfs are only "linked" to Zotero and not actually stored in it? Is it possible to bypass this limitation?

Best regards,
  • Retrieve Metadata only appears when you click on a stand-alone PDF attachment, not one already attached to a regular Zotero item. What exactly are you trying to do?
  • I just switched from Papers to Zotero.

    Some of my references in Zotero have bad metadatas, and I would like to correct them "automatically"
    Is it possible to do it with a "regular Zotero item"?
  • That functionality is being worked on and should be available soon, but for now the easiest thing to do is just to use Add Item by Identifier to add a new item with the DOI, etc., and then select both items, right-click, and choose Merge Items.
  • Ok thank you for your help!
    Do you have an idea of when it will be available? I have more than 700 references to update so it might be worth it to wait a few weeks
  • Huge +1 for that feature. What is the status?
    I also have a lot of references with linked PDF files from which I can't extract metadata.
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