Is it possible to tell which library a citation has been inserted from?

I understand that Zotero can't handle citations from multiple libraries in one Word document. If, however, this has already happened in a massive, collaboratively edited document, is there an easy-ish way to tell which libraries the citations were pulled from (instead of going through the libraries to check)? Or just to see which references are from different libraries (even if you couldn't tell which library they were from)? If this can't be done precisely, are there any rules of thumb that would help (like, looking for embedded reference identifiers that aren't in the same range as the others)?
  • Or, is the best answer to dump all the citations from the individual libraries into a group library and merge the duplicates? And then the document will be able to track/reflect those merges?
  • I understand that Zotero can't handle citations from multiple libraries in one Word document.
    That's not quite right. You can absolutely insert from multiple libraries, you just need to a) be very mindful about always inserting the same item from the same library (or from the "Cited" list) and b) you can only change the item metadata in the library it was inserted from.
    s there an easy-ish way to tell which libraries the citations were pulled from
    alt+F9 (Show field codes in Word) to show field codes shows you item URIs, which should let you track this down, yes.
  • Holy crap, that is great! I had no idea, thanks.
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