Style Error: [Animal Migration]
Here is a link to the instructions for authors for the Animal Migration reference style:
and an example citation:
Kulig P., Zabel B.A., Dubin G., Allen S.J., Ohyama T., Potempa J., et al., Staphylococcus aureus-derived staphopain B, a potent cysteine protease activator of plasma chemerin, J. Immunol., 2007, 178, 3713-3720
The current output in Word is missing periods in the abbreviated journal and a comma between the journal title and year. It currently looks something like this:
Grönroos J., Green M., Alerstam T., To fly or not to fly depending on winds: shorebird migration in different seasonal wind regimes, Anim Behav 2012, 83, 1449–1457
and an example citation:
Kulig P., Zabel B.A., Dubin G., Allen S.J., Ohyama T., Potempa J., et al., Staphylococcus aureus-derived staphopain B, a potent cysteine protease activator of plasma chemerin, J. Immunol., 2007, 178, 3713-3720
The current output in Word is missing periods in the abbreviated journal and a comma between the journal title and year. It currently looks something like this:
Grönroos J., Green M., Alerstam T., To fly or not to fly depending on winds: shorebird migration in different seasonal wind regimes, Anim Behav 2012, 83, 1449–1457
- comma between container-title and year-date: fixed-
- short container-title punctuation: that's set correct in the style. Can you check how that is entered in your Zotero? There is a "Journal Abbrv" field. What's in there for you?
I get this:
[1] Campbell J.L., Pedersen O.K., The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success, Comp. Polit. Stud., 2007, 40, 307–332
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Seems like some of their recent publications also use an author-date style...
Thanks for fixing this!
-the commas are working properly between title and year.
-I did not realize I had to manually correct the periods in the journal abbreviation of the Journal Abbr field, but if I do so, the reference renders correctly in Word.
Grönroos J., Green M., Alerstam T., To fly or not to fly depending on winds: shorebird migration in different seasonal wind regimes, Anim. Behav., 2012, 83, 1449–1457
-I didn't know about changes to the recent publications, I was just going by the instructions to authors document.
But, outside of the word processors, yes, Zotero can strip periods, but not put missing periods back in. So if you enter the abbreviation in the Journal Abbr field (for creating bibliographies outside of a word processor), you should include the periods.