I need CLS file

Hi all.

Need for a CLS file for the The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.

References: An unnumbered list of cited sources arranged in alphabetical order of authors' names, using the style shown in the examples below. Note that all authors' names are listed; "et al." is used only in the text. Accuracy of the references is the authors' responsibility. If a manuscript has been accepted for publication, list it as "in press" and give the journal name. Unpublished or privately published materials and personal communications are not references; relevant identifying information should be included in the text citation.

Within the text, citations should show the authors' last names and year of publication (e.g., Mills and Smith, 1956; Smith et al., 1957); multiple sources should be cited alphabetically by author. If there are more than two authors, give only the name of the first author, followed by "et al." (e.g., Smith et al., 1957). If more than one publication by the same first author in the same year is cited, suffixes (a, b, c, etc.) should be added to the year in both the text and list citations (e.g.,Mills, 1956a). In the text, show page numbers from the original source for any quoted material (e.g., Mills, 1956, p. 12). Except in unusual circumstances, no more than four references should be cited in support of any given point.

Examples of reference style:

Gottlieb BH (Ed) (1981) Social networks and social support. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
Lewis SW, Reveley A, Reveley M, Chitkara B, Murray RM (1987) The familial/sporadic distinction as a strategy in schizophrenia research. Br J Psychiatry 151:306-313.
Weissman MM, Boyd JH (1985) Affective disorders: Epidemiology. In HI Kaplan, BJ Sadock (Eds), Comprehensive textbook of psychiatry/ IV (4th ed, Vol 1, pp 764-769). Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins.
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