Symlinks to ntfs partition not accessible through Zotero

I dual boot Kubuntu 18.04 and Windows 10, and they both share an ntfs partition where I store all my personal data - *not including Zotero directory*!

I am using Zotero 5.0.47 (Flatpak) on linux, which is my main system, Windows being there only when I really can't do otherwise.

The problem is that I can't add files stored on the ntfs partition through Zotero navigator. My folders appear as files and nothing happens when I select them to import files. Here's a screenshot of what I see. The directories symlinked to the ntfs partition appear as files. The directories in the native linux filesystem appear as expected.

My guesses are that Zotero can't handle ntfs-3g (symlinks to ext4 work well). Maybe it's due to the flatpak sandbox...?

I've stumbled upon previous issues with ntfs and linux, but they were not the same. They involved syncing the zotero directory between the two OS and were solved by editing fstab. I already edited fstab to automatically mount my partition at startup and I don't think this is the issue...


  • Zotero (and most programs) don't implement their own handling of filesystem-centric features like symlinks.

    I agree that flatpak is the likely culprit; other programs using it have similar bug reports for NTFS symlinks when you don't specify them as the filesystem (see, e.g. this ticket for Picard.)

    The Flathub Maintainers still manage the Zotero flatpak, and they'd be better-suited to speak to this issue. (It could be that xulrunner on the relevant library upstream of Zotero lacks support for flathub portals; if so, there may be no plans to add support.)
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