OSC open source grants up to $25k, deadline June 15th

Hello all,

the Open Source Centre has grants available, http://www.osc.dial.community/grants.html.

- “Dirty Jobs”, part 2
- Privacy & responsible data
- Improving the user experience

The application needs to be made by the project leaders (i.e. Zotero / CHNM), but could be supported by the community. I would be happy to write the grant.

Would this be of interest, and if so, could we get a team including Zotero/CHNM and some community members together to discuss priorities?

  • @adomasven - would you be interested in this regarding the Google Docs integration?

    @OniDaito - I see from the thread that the Android client is not open source - but perhaps the above grant would be an incentive? :)

    Let me know - very happy to collaborate and write grant application etc.
  • @danstillman - likewise, if this is of interest to the Zotero core team, very happy to collaborate and put something in.
  • Hello there
    It all depends on the terms of the grant really. Zotdroid pays me just enough to keep interest but not work on it anywhere near full-time. I can't anyway due to other commitments. It would have to be a considerable amount to make it worthwhile, but there is a lot of scope for new features, even an iOS version (though that might not be OSC-able)
    I'm certainly not adverse to giving this a shot, but I've not a lot of time at the moment (thanks to research work).
  • Hi OniDaito,

    thanks for the comment! I can have a look at the grant, to see what the timescales are. When is your research work done?

    The OSC grant would obviously mean that you'd have to open source the code, and it's $25k, so you'd have to see whether on balance that's worth it?

  • I've read the grant main page and on reflection, I don't think it is appropriate at all for Zotdroid. It's not aimed at solo devs nor at high income countries.

    I'd be more than happy to take another grant to work fulltime on Zotdroid, releasing it for free/almost free/opensource.
  • edited June 3, 2018
    I should add if there are similar grants available, I would totally put a few full time months into Zotdroid, adding all the extra features folks might want. It;s just personally, I don't really know of any.
  • I do think that we could pitch OSC with the idea of making Zotdroid FLOSS. Yes, it's not solo devs, but if it becomes FLOSS, more people can participate.

    Now, Zotero isn't just for high-income countries at all. I work in education in sub-Saharan Africa, and I would love to be able to work with colleagues using an Android client. Certainly among academics as well as other educators in sub-Saharan Africa, Android phones are often the preferred platforms. So I can write a convincing rationale about this without any problems (and tie it to our pre-existing partnerships within Africa).

    Yeah, it's tricky to find grants, so I think it would be worth a try, even if it bends the scope of the grant slightly.

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