URGENT! zotero error "you must place the cursor in a zotero citation to edit it"
I've reviewed the previous posts on this issue and don't see a ready solution.
THIS IS URGENT, I am currently writing my PhD Qualification Exam, this is a time exam, I have written 3 of 4 questions without problem but now have this error and can't use Zotero (can't insert new, edit, add Bib).
Any suggestions or workarounds for temporary fixes are welcomed as well so I can at least get citations in and reference list inserted.
THIS IS URGENT, I am currently writing my PhD Qualification Exam, this is a time exam, I have written 3 of 4 questions without problem but now have this error and can't use Zotero (can't insert new, edit, add Bib).
Any suggestions or workarounds for temporary fixes are welcomed as well so I can at least get citations in and reference list inserted.
Workaround: in the document that caused the error originally, copy all text (ctrl + a) and delete. Paste as plain text. This removes all formatting and all Zotero code hidden in the document. That fixed it, I was then able to go back through and one-by-one "Add/Edit Citation" for each reference, since they were still there as plain text.
So the problem seems to be a corrupted citation, but somehow it corrupts Zotero and not just the document? I have a theory about how it may have happened but don't have time to troubleshoot at the moment--but it was the worst time for this to happen!