Report ID: 413689749

Report ID: 413689749

Versions and system:
Zotero Standalone: 5.0.47
MacOS High Sierra 10.13.4

After setting Zotero Document preferences for style and performing RTF scan on LibreOffice document, when I hit the zotero gear button plugin on LibreOffice to perform the conversion of the citations, it seems to be working for a moment, and then I get the error message below.

Error message:
"Zotero experienced an error updating your document.
idx is not defined."

Steps to reproduce:
1. Start Zotero.
2. Open .odt document.
3. Set Zotero document preferences.
4. In Zotero standalone, perform RTF scan.
5. Open new odt. document with unstyled citations.
6. In new .odt document, hit gear icon to initiate the formation of styled citations.
7. Get error message.

This is a massive document. I've seen other forum posts which lead me to believe that one of my bibliography items is corrupted somehow. I just don't know which one or how to fix that.
When I try to produce the same error with a smaller (yet still sizeable) file, everything works fine. It's just with the monster document.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • There are two ways to go.
    1. LibreOffice does not like citations set in tables, text boxes, or figure captions. If you have citations set in any of those locations, try moving (all of) them out, and see how conversion works.
    2. Failing that, your shortest path to identifying the bad citation(s) is step 8 of Debugging Broken Documents.
  • Well, thanks for letting me know. Since I know I don't have any "citations set in tables, text boxes, or figure captions," I'll see what I can do with step 8.
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