unwanted zotero citation updates

Hi, I have a problem that has been described before but I cannot find a solution for it posted: When I make new entries, or make changes to existing ones, Zotero keeps going over the other citations and keeps asking:
"You have modified this citation since Zotero generated it. Do you want to keep your modifications and prevent future updates?
Clicking "yes" will prevent Zotero from updating this citation if you add additional citations, switch styles, or modify the item to which it refers. Clicking "no" will erase your changes."
I click "yes" in order not to lose my most up-to-date entries, but then Zotero keeps asking this question for other entries.
I have a 300 page document and in the current round of revisions, I am trying to add a citation to an existing reference but get the above message. It keeps revisiting the same ones I changes last time. This takes about 30 minutes. which,obviously, for every citation is too long for my patience level. In addition, it changes citations to numbers that don't actually exist, e.g. it changes a newly added citation to an existing reference to "supra 37" when only 32 citations of that reference exist. please, please, any help greatly appreciated.
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