Custom style disappears from style list on restart


I created a custom citation style to use for a project. I have it stored on my computer (in a Box folder, in case that might matter), and I add it to Zotero from that folder. However, when I close and reopen Zotero, the file is no longer in Styles and I have to re-add it. A partner on this project has the same problem, but they store the .csl file on their desk top. I am using Zotero 5.0.47, Mac OSX 10.12.6. Should I be storing the .csl file somewhere else? I thought Zotero copies it over into its program directory, but I could be wrong.

Thanks for any assistance!

  • Did you modify an existing style and save it without changing style title and id? If so your modified style is being overwritten. See:

    If you did change the name and id, please provide more information here.
  • Ah - that's it. I know I had changed them in the beginning, but then I was having trouble validating and reverted to an earlier version, and must have gone back to before I edited them. Thanks very much for your help - I will change and hopefully that will fix it! Your time and assistance are much appreciated!
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