Zotero app

I noticed some Zotero sync apps on the Google Play. I was wondering if anyone has used any of these, and whether anyone knows an Android-friendly app for syncing with Google products.
  • Zandy and Zotdroid are both fairly functional Android apps. They don’t have all of the features of Zotero, but are still probably quite useful.
  • Of those, ZotDroid is being much more actively developed, but on the other hand Zandy is fully open source
  • ZotEZ allows synchronization of your zotero library from other clouds than Zotero itself. For example, you can store everything on Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, or even just locally on your SD card, and then ZotEZ will take care of letting you access your data and files.


    Now, the next version, ZotEZ2 is coming out soon (see separate forum post on beta-testing recruitment), and will support the native Zotero servers, as well as WebDav synchronization.

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