Is there a latex editor that has plugin support?

I want to move to latex but I like the auto-citation that's available in word/libre office. Is there any editor that zotero supports with a plugin?
  • Many LaTeX editors will have auto-completion for bibtex keys, so if you set up BBT auto-export, that can serve as a bridge.
  • As with most things latex, it is a bit more complicated than with word/libre office, but not very difficult.

    If you use the better biblatex plugin in zotero (, you can auto export your library to a bib-file. Many latex-editors are able to auto-complete citation-keys from your bib-file and show you some information from the citation.

    I use texstudio and when I write a citation, \autocite{, it pops up a list of citation keys with the text from the bib-file like this: 2018-04-03 10.07.20.png?dl=0

    Texstudio is also customizable through macros, and I've made my own citation macro which I have bound to ctrl + <. When I press this key-combination I get the text \autocite{} or \textcite{} and it shows my citation keys like above.

    To make the macro you have to choose "script" and the macro is:


  • There are quite a few editors with Zotero support, mostly relying on the BetterBibTeX plugin.
  • I see there is one specifically for lyx is there one for texstudio? I'm using texstudio and betterbib(la)tex and when ever I drag and drop I get a [?]
  • edited April 4, 2018
    There's no texstudio plugin, no. There are Lyx, Emacs, Atom, Rstudio, and then a generic solution taking advantage of BBT's cite while you write feature.

    Overleaf has very elegant Zotero integration, too.

    Drag&drop resulting in [?] shouldn't ever happen, though, so that's either a user error, a bug in BBT, or a significant problem with Texstudio's clipboard implementation.
  • If there's a literal "[?]" it would have to be BBT. I don't know if anything else that would produce brackets. No idea yet on how the question mark would get there.
  • Better bib(la)tex "works" as in I was able to install it, when I use \cite{citation} TexStudio auto-completes the citation (which I guess means texstudio can read the bib file).
  • Wait, the "[?]" doesn't show up in the latex document but in the rendered document? Then we'd need to see a MWE.
  • I think this has been reported as, but the behavior there is different. Here on the zotero forum we're talking about drag-and-drop (something I could fix), but in the BBT issue the problem seems to be that "[?]" is being rendered (no MWE was provided, no idea what's going on there).
  • minimal working example, i.e. the smallest LaTeX + BibTeX code that will produce this problem.
  • \documentclass{article}

    title = {The {{End}} of {{History}}?},
    issn = {0884-9382},
    url = {},
    number = {16},
    journaltitle = {The National Interest},
    shortjournal = {Natl. Interest},
    urldate = {2018-04-05},
    date = {1989},
    pages = {3--18},
    author = {Fukuyama, Francis},
    file = {/home/paddy/Zotero/storage/XXWNZEEF/Fukuyama - 1989 - The End of History.pdf}
  • That's a problem with the latex document, not with the generated biblatex. The biblatex seems fine to me.
  • edited April 6, 2018
    Not a zotero issue, but presumably the LaTeX fix is easy here. You haven't specified \usepackage{biblatex} or \printbibliography
  • Yeah, it's just the document that is incomplete. Here's a MWE:


    title = {The {{End}} of {{History}}?},
    issn = {0884-9382},
    url = {},
    number = {16},
    journaltitle = {The National Interest},
    shortjournal = {Natl. Interest},
    urldate = {2018-04-05},
    date = {1989},
    pages = {3--18},
    author = {Fukuyama, Francis},
    file = {/home/paddy/Zotero/storage/XXWNZEEF/Fukuyama - 1989 - The End of History.pdf}


    I'm citing \cite{Fukuyama1989}


  • It can also be that the document wasn't compiled multiple times. Rendering bibliography in LaTeX takes multiple runs, in my experience at least 3. I use Overleaf a lot these days because they have everything set up and ready to go.
  • Thanks everyone for your help! Consider this issue closed.
  • edited April 30, 2018
    BBT also adds a "push to TeXstudio" option BTW if it can find texstudio in the PATH.
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