Ability to group tags into categories and have subtags

It would be nice if it was possible to sort tags into something like tag-categories (e.g. "Methodology", "Read Status", etc.). Therefore it would be easier to search for the appropriate tag within the tag list as this will be sorted according to categories.

Furthermore it would be helpful to have sub-tags, where the parent tag is automatically assigned as soon as the sub-tag is assigned (e.g. ProbabilisticGraphicalModels.BayesNetwork, etc.).

What I am having in mind would look something like this within the tag-bar:

_________________Read Status_________________
read unread

ProbabilisticGraphicalModels ProbabilisticGraphicalModels.BayesNet ...

What do you think about that?
  • I think this would be a great feature! In other words, one would organize items in a directed a-cyclic graph or "tag-hierarchy". E.g.

    Science -> Physics
    Science -> Biology
    Physics -> Biophysics
    Biology -> Biophysics

    To search for a biophysics paper you could click on Science, then on Biology, and then find Biophysics. Alternatively, you can also click on Science, then Physics, and then find Biophysics there.
  • The entire purpose/function of Tagging is to have a non-hierarchical means of organizing material
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