I broke my library lookup.

It was working before. But I was trying to figure out why PDFs weren't saving in Ebsco and apparently that has something to do with the proxy? So I tried to tell Zotero not to proxy the site. But now library lookup doesn't work, AND I still can't download PDFs. If I have to choose between the two, I won't library lookup. How can I tell it to proxy that site again?

Does any of this make sense?

When I try to "look up" now it takes me to an Ebsco log in page, instead of automatically redirecting me through my library.

This is the link I've been trying: http://ezp.waldenulibrary.org/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=99530184&site=ehost-live&scope=site

Please help.
  • what does it say for "Open URL" in the advanced tab of the Zotero preferences?

    For proxies -- what exactly did you change & where? You should be able to just revert that.
  • Thanks for responding!

    This is what I have for the open URL: http://resolver.ebscohost.com/openurl

    In Firefox, when a database site opens up through the proxy, the yellow bar shows at the top of the screen letting me know that Zotero is doing its proxy thing. I can't remember exactly what it says, but it has the option of clicking "don't proxy this site." I clicked that. I've looked at the settings for the Zotero extension, but I can't figure out how to tell it that I've changed my mind.
  • Well, it is magically working again. I don't know why but I'll take it.
  • Oh, just kidding. It turns out library lookup works for some sources in Ebsco but not all of them. I still don't know why.
  • edited June 29, 2018
    Just FYI: I fixed this by deleting configured proxies in the connector and starting over.
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