citations converted to text after incorporating track changes

Hi all, I've been file sharing with my advisor, and I recently got a dissertation document back and oddly, have been experiencing some problems with Word/Zotero integration. After incorporating some track changes, I realized my citations have been converted to text fields, and when I try to add a new citation, I get the error:

Zotero experienced an error updating your document.

citationByIndex[i].sortedItems is undefined

I'm using Word 14.7.7.
  • Hi all, as an update, I've done some debugging and I can now add fields, however, it appears the issue was that my document was shared in google drive (see Zotero info below):

    Is there any way to restore the broken connections?

    Google Docs and other online word processors: Google Docs and most other online word processors do not support Fields/Reference Marks/Bookmarks. Opening a document in these programs will break connections with Zotero. Microsoft's Word Online does support Fields and so can be used safely with Word documents containing Zotero fields.
  • Not really I'm afraid. You could do a document compare in Word of your document before sharing it and the revised version and merge your advisor's changes into the document that still has active citations.
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