Report ID: 477331252

I hope someone can help with this. I got this message on trying to sync my library: "An error occurred during syncing: Cannot edit item in library 1834710" I never had this issue previously: syncs were always successful. I have no idea what could have caused it. I closed my last session of Zotero properly and had no trouble starting it a few hours later. Only now syncing gives me this error message. Thanks for your help.
  • Could we see a Debug ID (different from a Report ID) for a sync attempt that produces this message?
  • Thank you, Dan, for responding to my report. This is the debug ID: D1453108512. Zotero said the debug report has been sent to Again, thank you.
  • Hi, Dan. Just checking to see if there has been any development on my issue. I am still getting the sync error message. On checking my library on, though, I find no immediately obvious sign of a sync failure: the most recent changes I make in my offline library appear in the online library when I sync. Nonetheless, the error message is troubling because something not directly detectable is perhaps not syncing. Do I need to submit a new debug report? I would gladly do that. Thanks for your help on this.
  • edited March 27, 2018
    This should be fixed in Zotero 5.0.40, available now via Help → Check for Updates. (It stems from a bug when changing user accounts in Zotero 4.0.)
  • Thanks for your help on my sync issue. I updated Zotero to 5.0.40 but now it will not load my database. Find below the message it gives:

    <<Message start>>

    Database upgrade error

    Error: Error(s) encountered during statement execution: UNIQUE constraint failed: itemRelations.itemID, itemRelations.predicateID, itemRelations.object [QUERY: UPDATE itemRelations SET object='' WHERE itemID=? AND predicateID=?] [PARAMS: 2, 2] [ERROR: UNIQUE constraint failed: itemRelations.itemID, itemRelations.predicateID, itemRelations.object]
    From previous event:

    <<Message end>>

    Following the message, I am given the options to "Quit" or "Check for Update". Since I already updated to the latest version, Zotero tells me "No Updates Found" and gives me only a "Quit" option.

    I hope this provides sufficient information to enable a solution to the problem. Since Zotero does not load the database, I cannot send you a Report ID or a Debug ID.

    What am I to do? Thanks for your help.
  • Ah, sorry about that. Can you install the latest Zotero beta and see if that fixes this? (If so, you can revert to 5.0.40 afterward.)
  • Okay, Dan, thanks. I just finished using the manual repair tool on my database, on the off-chance that it had somehow become corrupted, but on trying to load it I got the same result as before. I will install the latest beta version now and get back to you. I hope it works. Thanks, again.
  • Just downloaded the beta. I suppose I should first uninstall the current version before installing the latest beta but I thought I should ask, so I do not mess things up.
  • edited March 27, 2018
    There's no need to uninstall anything. And if you're on Linux you can just extract the beta tarball to a new directory and run it from there, and then delete it afterward.
  • no need to uninstall, no, just install the beta which will update the current version.
  • Thank you very much, guys. I did as you said: I ran the beta version and succeeded in loading my database; then I downloaded and ran the current release version, and was able to load my database and to sync it successfully with Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  • You should probably go to and download the regular version and re-install that unless you want to stay on the beta release track.
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