Degree Celsius Symbol °C in Bibtex Title? Help!


I have a article title in zotero that contains " °C" (degree celsius).
The ° character is converted to the same character ° in the bibtex file. But bibtex is not capable of understanding or printing the ° character.
Zotero should convert this symbol into the tex-code $^\circ$ but if I write this in the zotero article title, it converts into somthing like "\$\^\backslash circ\$".

How can I get the ° symbol from the zotero library into my tex-pdf file?

Is there maybe a special symbol that stops zotero from inserting "\" in front of every special characters like "$", "\" or "{"?

Best regards.
  • Don't write literal BibTeX into Zoteto fields.

    You may be exporting using the UTF-8 character encoding. If so, then your characters won't be transcoded to TeX entities (so could check by seeing if other non-Latin characters were as-is in your BibTeX file). Either use a LaTeX toolchain that supports UTF-8 or change the Zoteto export option to use a different character encoding.

    if you're already using a non-UTF-8 encoding, it may be because of a non-standard character used for the degree symbol (there's a few ways to get similar marks). Zotero converts ° (\u00B0) to "{\\textdegree}".
  • Ok thank you, I changed the export format from "UTF-8" to "UTF-8 without BOM" and now the "°" degree character gets converted into "{\textdegree}".

    Seems to work! :)

    I am not sure if there is a problem with latex that is not able to use the "°" character in my bibtex file, because I already use latex with UTF-8 encoding. I think the problem is with bibtex which always causes problems with special characters in plain text.
  • By "toolchain", I mean all tools used in compilation. Some versions of the bibtex program have partial support for these kinds of characters. Alternative programs such as biber have complete support.

    But I'm glad it now works for you.
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