PDF files and file storage

Hi all,
There is something I do not understand while using my wonderful Z5, perhaps a wrong config ?
I configured a personal base directory : something like \user\myDoc\ZoteroPapers. When I save a reference which includes a PDF, the PDF is saved in this folder. In my Zotero library, docs are saved as a link.

But when I save a PDF (connector : a PDF image, not an article one), the PDF is saved in a Zotero folder, something like \user\Zotero\Storage\AB8ZEK9E.
And PDF are attached to my reference ; this is not a linked attachement.

I would like to have all my PDF files stored at the same place (my personal folder), and all my PDF being attached as a link.

I use Zotfile and Zutilo, all parameters include my personal folder.

Any idea about what I should modify ?

Thanks for your help !
  • I think that's just a byproduct of how ZotFile works:
    Top-level PDFs are not automatically moved, so the file doesn't get moved when you add it, and then ZotFile doesn't move an item on attaching it to a parent item, so you'd have to manually trigger that operation (Manage attachments --> rename attachments)
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