Removing DOI from reference list Chicago Author-Date style


Can somebody tell me how in the Chicago Author-Date Style I can remove the DOI path from showing in the bibliography? I have seen post for other styles but since I am not so well-versed in dealing with these issues I wouldnt know how to convert the steps to the author date citation style.

Thank you so much!
  • First -- please don't. DOIs are arguably the single most important part of a citation these days.

    But if you must: find the line that start with
    <text variable="DOI"
    and delete it. General instructions here:
  • At my university it is actually demanded to not include the DOI so its fine. Thank you so much for your quick reply. Unfortunately it didnt work. But I saw that they are more lines with DOI shouldnt I delete them all? I mean these two:

  • it say bib[0] is undefined if I want to set my modified style as a document preference
  • You'd have to delete the whole line, i.e.

    <text variable="DOI" prefix=""/>

    both times it appears.
  • Thank you so much it worked! I do encounter other difficulties though, too. The plug in for Word doesnt allow me to have manually created references in the bibliography because every time I then add a reference through Zotero it updates the bibliography and just deletes the manually created ones! I just do that because I cant find the proper info through the Zotero meta search. Do you maybe know how I can stop Zotero from doing that?

    Thank you!
  • You can manually add items in Zotero and I'd recommend doing that to make sure everything is cited properly, but if you do want to manually add items to the bibliography, do so at the end after you've made a copy of your document and clicked "Unlink Citations" in the Word add-on.
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